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Tomato and Egg Drop Soup Recipe

Tomato and egg drop soup is a traditional Chinese home-style dish. It is made by mixing tomatoes and eggs, adding appropriate amount of water and seasonings, and boiling to make the soup.

Today, David brings you a tomato and egg drop soup that even a kitchen novice can easily handle. This delicious soup has a sour and appetizing taste, is fresh and tender, nutritious and delicious. It can truly be called a summer appetizer soup. Adding eggs ensures the intake of protein, and this soup can not only supplement nutrients but also reasonably control calories. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, vitamin C, and carotene, which have antioxidant effects. The glutathione contained in them can inhibit the formation of melanin and lighten the deposited melanin.

In addition, tomatoes contain dietary fiber, which can accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, and are rich in organic acids, which can promote gastric juice secretion and accelerate food digestion. They can improve indigestion, poor bowel movement, food stagnation, and constipation.

What is tomato and egg drop soup?

Tomato and egg drop soup is a traditional Chinese home-style dish. It is made by mixing tomatoes and eggs, adding appropriate amount of water and seasonings, and boiling to make the soup. This dish is simple to make, delicious to taste, and nutritious, making it one of the favorite foods for many people.
The main ingredients of tomato and egg drop soup are tomatoes and eggs. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and fiber, while eggs are rich in high-quality protein and various vitamins. In addition, the cooking method of this dish is simple and does not require too much culinary skill, making it very suitable for home cooking.

Who is Tomato and Egg Drop Soup suitable for? How does it taste?

Tomato and Egg Drop Soup is suitable for most people to consume, especially the following groups:

  1. General population: Tomato and Egg Drop Soup is a homestyle dish that is suitable for most people to enjoy, regardless of age.
  2. People who need to supplement their nutrition: Tomatoes and eggs are nutritious ingredients that contain protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, making them suitable for people who need to supplement their nutrition.
  3. People who want to lose weight: Tomato and Egg Drop Soup has low calories and is rich in dietary fiber, which can help promote intestinal peristalsis, relieve constipation and obesity problems, and is suitable for people who want to lose weight.
  4. People with indigestion: Tomato and Egg Drop Soup is easy to digest and does not burden the stomach, making it suitable for people with indigestion.

In terms of taste, Tomato and Egg Drop Soup has a light and delicious flavor with a smooth and delicate texture. It has a slightly sour and sweet taste that is very suitable for summer heat relief. At the same time, the combination of tomatoes and eggs is very reasonable, complementing each other’s flavors and leaving a lasting impression.

How to cook Tomato and Egg Drop Soup?

Prepare the materials

Wash the tomatoes and make a cross-shaped incision at the bottom with a small knife

Add an appropriate amount of water to the water tank in the steamer and preheat it to 100 degrees Celsius. Place the tomatoes in the middle layer of the preheated steamer and steam for 5 minutes.

Peel the steamed tomatoes and slice them
Crack the eggs into a bowl, add 1 tsp of cooking wine, and beat them up for later use.

Add Jinlongyu Grandma’s Hometown Small Rapeseed Oil and sliced tomatoes to the cooking pot.

Cover the pot, press the stir-fry function key, and stir-fry over high heat for 3 minutes.

Open the lid, add water and salt.

Cover the pot, press the stir-fry function key, and stir-fry over high heat for 5 minutes.

Open the lid, pour in the egg mixture.

Cover the pot, press the stir-fry function key, and stir-fry over high heat for 2 minutes.

After cooking, transfer to a bowl, sprinkle with chopped scallions, and it’s done.

Tomato and Egg Drop Soup Recipe

Recipe by davidheCourse: Dinner, SoupsCuisine: ChineseDifficulty: simple


Prep time


Cooking time





Tomato and egg drop soup is a traditional Chinese home-style dish. It is made by mixing tomatoes and eggs, adding appropriate amount of water and seasonings, and boiling to make the soup.


  • 1 tomato

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 scallion

  • 5g salt

  • 1 tsp cooking wine

  • 15ml rapeseed oil

  • 250ml water


  • Prepare the materials
  • Wash the tomatoes and make a cross-shaped incision at the bottom with a small knife
  • Add an appropriate amount of water to the water tank in the steamer and preheat it to 100 degrees Celsius. Place the tomatoes in the middle layer of the preheated steamer and steam for 5 minutes.
  • Peel the steamed tomatoes and slice them
  • Crack the eggs into a bowl, add 1 tsp of cooking wine, and beat them up for later use.
  • Add Jinlongyu Grandma’s Hometown Small Rapeseed Oil and sliced tomatoes to the cooking pot.
  • Cover the pot, press the stir-fry function key, and stir-fry over high heat for 3 minutes.
  • Open the lid, add water and salt.
  • Cover the pot, press the stir-fry function key, and stir-fry over high heat for 5 minutes.
  • Open the lid, pour in the egg mixture.
  • Cover the pot, press the stir-fry function key, and stir-fry over high heat for 2 minutes.
  • After cooking, transfer to a bowl, sprinkle with chopped scallions, and it’s done.


  • Selection of tomatoes: Choose fresh and ripe tomatoes. Avoid tomatoes that are too ripe or rotten, as they may affect the taste.
  • Beating eggs: When beating eggs, you can add a small amount of salt and pepper for seasoning, but don’t add too much to avoid affecting the taste of the soup.
  • Cooking time: The cooking time for tomato and egg drop soup should not be too long to avoid overcooking the eggs or tomatoes. Generally, it can be cooked for 2-3 minutes after boiling.
  • Seasoning: The seasoning for tomato and egg drop soup can be adjusted according to personal taste. Generally, adding an appropriate amount of salt and pepper is sufficient.
  • Thickening: If you want to make the tomato and egg drop soup more viscous, you can add a small amount of starch water before the end of cooking.
  • Healthy eating: Tomato and egg drop soup is a nutritious dish, but it is also important to pay attention to healthy eating. Avoid adding too much oil and salt to avoid affecting your health.

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